Our Members events are an fantastic opportunity to connect with other local business owners and keep up to date with what is happening in our area.
If you would like to host an event for the Business Orange Members please email info@businessorange.com.au.
Registration is now open for our August Lunch & Learn!
The regions are urgently in need of skilled employees, including chefs, winemakers, diesel mechanics and fruit growers to name just a few. When no skilled Australians are available to fill these positions, skilled migrants might be the solution.
Australia’s skilled migration program has specific regulations about when migrants can fill these positions. Join us as Vanessa Vazquez from Whiteley Ironside Shillington delves into the details of sponsoring team members and explores how this may assist with your staffing challenges.
This is a member only event. Please be sure to RSVP to register your attendance.
We look forward to seeing you at this event.
Please register below: